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The HSP Wellness Blog
Christie Rosen
Dec 2, 2024
Finding Calm Amidst the Holiday Chaos: A Gentle Approach for Sensitive Souls
As the holiday season begins, it can feel like you’re being swept away in a tidal wave of to-do lists, sales emails, and social pressures.
Christie Rosen
Sep 1, 2024
Thoughts from a Sensitive Mama
I recently heard someone describe having a baby as your heart living outside of your body. I would say that captures it perfectly. Â ...
Christie Rosen
Oct 20, 2023
The Art of Managing Overwhelm for Highly Sensitive People
"Almost everything will work if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you." - Anne Lamott As Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), we...
Christie Rosen
Sep 12, 2023
Redefining Productivity as a Highly Sensitive Person
In a world that celebrates the non-stop hustle and seems to measure our worth by how much we can get done in a day, productivity has...
Christie J. Rosen
Mar 21, 2023
The Power of Silence: How Being Quiet Benefits Highly Sensitive People
As some of you may know, I have been recovering from being sick recently, including having total loss of my voice for an entire week....
Christie Rosen
Mar 20, 2023
The HSP's Guide to Recovering from Being Sick: Patience, Self-Care, and Perseverance
I have been sick multiple times in the last few months and have noticed my symptoms to be more intense and to last longer than others who...
Christie J. Rosen
Feb 1, 2023
Should You Take the Path of Least Resistance as an HSP?
There is a lot of messaging in our culture about how taking the path of least resistance will lead to failure and lack of accomplishment...
Christie Rosen
Jan 24, 2023
6 Life Changing Benefits of Simplicity for Highly Sensitive People
There are a lot of things in life that create overwhelm in our highly sensitive nervous systems. From too much noise, to crowds, to...
Christie J. Rosen
Dec 28, 2022
4-Essential Steps to Find Strength in Your Sensitivity
As a Highly Sensitive Person, you relate to the world differently than your non-sensitive counterparts. You experience deeper feelings,...
Christie J. Rosen
Nov 1, 2022
Why is letting go so hard for Highly Sensitive People?
Ah, the elusive letting go… I was told by an acupuncturist many years ago that I needed to learn to let go. I then proceeded to read an...
Christie J. Rosen
May 7, 2021
12 Gifts of the Highly Sensitive Person
Sensitive Souls have many gifts. However, the majority of our cultural messaging about sensitivity is negative, often leaving highly...
Christie J. Rosen
Apr 21, 2021
All about High Sensitivity with Christie Rosen - Interview with MysticMag
This interview by Chené Murphy appears in MysticMag. Christie Rosen is a Wellness and Empowerment Coach for Sensitive Souls. Her work as...
Christie J. Rosen
Apr 19, 2021
Embrace Your Sensitivity Free 5-Day Series
I am excited to share that I have created a free 5-day email series to help you Embrace Your Sensitivity! Using lessons from my...
Christie J. Rosen
Feb 22, 2021
Taking Care of Your Highly Sensitive Body
Self-Care is a Necessity, Not a Luxury As sensitive souls, we tend to need more self-care and rest than others. We have to put in more...
Christie J. Rosen
Jun 30, 2019
High Sensitivity and Chronic Illness
"The wound is the place where the light enters you." - Rumi Many sensitive souls struggle with chronic illness. Unfortunately, in some...
Christie J. Rosen
Oct 30, 2017
A Proud Moment to Share with my Fellow Sensitive Souls
As a sensitive soul, it can feel difficult to recognize your own accomplishments. It can feel even more difficult to try to share your...
Christie Rosen
Nov 17, 2016
The Sensitive Soul’s Survival Guide - 6 Keys to Thrive as an HSP
Do you find yourself often feeling out of balance or overstimulated? Do you sometimes feel that you struggle just to get through the day,...
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